


The Left Brain / Right Brain Guy

2003 - 2011: The Left Brain Era

  • Placing precise coffee orders and reconciling my petty cash as a Production Assistant.

  • Delegating duties to PAs as a Production Coordinator.

  • Balancing budgets and realizing the creative as a Producer.

  • All while watching and learning from the Right Brainers.

  • Clients: Vonage, Bowflex, Brookstone, KitchenAid, Hunter Fans, and World’s Best Cat Litter. Among others.

2011 - Present: The Right Brain Era

OMG! This is where I want to be!

Phrase-smithing, word-searching, image-dreaming, visuals-capturing.

Client-collaborating, client-pleasing.

Shot-listing, actor-casting.

Writing writing writing. Filming filming filming.

Nine years later. But feels like only the beginning.

Clients: Google. Nike. Wacom. Xerox. Intel. Charles Schwab. HP. Among others.

Fortune 500 and local clients.

Awards: Addys and Tellys.